Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Minor Mishap # 10

We had flown from Lima to Juliaca, with a stop in Arequipa. In order to get to Puno, it was necessary to take a bus. So we threw our bags on top of the minivan and sardined ourselves into seats in the overpacked vehicle.

First stop for the driver was at a station to fill up the tyres. We didn't think much of that event until halfway to Puno (about 30 mins) he stopped to check the tyres... hmm. The next station he stopped at didn't have any air. So the driver decided to try and change the tyre - with us still packed inside.

The light was fading, cold was coming in and we were all starting to feel the altitude. While wondering if we would ever make it to Puno, the driver gave up on the tyre and rang for another bus - bigger and better yay!

and Judy
+ the Δ

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