Monday, July 28, 2008

Minor Mishap #11

We had flown in from Lima to Toronto via Miami and were starting to feel the effects of the cold Dad had left us with. As a little bit of history, the last time Mum flew with Amercan Airlines, to Montreal... they lost her bags for 4 days. Thus, when we arrived at Miami we checked with 3 attendants that our bags had made it on to the plane to Toronto. We were thoroughly assured they had (I'm sure you can tell where this is going).

On arrival at Toronto airport (11.50pm), we waited in trepidation at the turnstile while Mum's bag failed to show up. Apparently, the wayward bag had decided that San Jose in Costa Rica was a much more acceptable destination. It convinced a whole pallet of bags to jump planes in Miami. We went to the hotel with my sensible bag to wait for Mum's bag.

It took 5 days for them to get Mum's bag to us. At least they got it to us before we left the next day... (I won't bore you with the found-not found saga.)

Moral of the story: Don't fly to Canada with American Airlines. Perhaps the Canadian government has a conspiracy with AA to make you spend money in Canada?!

and Judy

P.S. Do you know the way to San Jose?... apparently Mum's bag does!

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